As an insurance Appraiser, I contribute much of my success and competency and understanding of the procedural components of tripartite Appraisal on The Law and Procedure of Insurance Appraisal. My agility, dominance, and confidence while acting under the charge of Appraiser is very much in result of what I have learned from studying this book, while also having the book on hand to refer to any issue that may develop in the course of a claim dispute. Additionally, I require that any of my staff members whom are being trained to act as Appraiser MUST purchase and read this book prior to any formal training. This is truly the Bible of Insurance Appraisal. Mr. Jonathan Wilkofsky has, in my opinion, wrote his name in history by writing this exhaustive treaties, and has likely provided more to the Industry than any other single individual during the last 50 years. It is without doubt that this book will continued to be referenced, quoted, and at the side of Appraisers for generations, and his efforts in consolidating such extensive information into one book will continue to allow policyholders a fair stance in their claim disputes for years and years to come. The true gem of this book is that it is of equal benefit to both the Insurance Carriers, their Appraisers, the Policyholder, their Public Adjusters, Appraisers, Insurance Carrier Counsel, Policyholder Advocates and of course, the Courts and Judges.
Personal Property Inventory
Insurance Appraiser
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Andrew Lee
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Nicolas Blackriver
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Tiffany Firebird
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Jennifer Greenfield
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Diana Brown
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Leonardo Freeman
Proin semper suscipit magna, nec imperdiet lacus semper vitae. Sed hendrerit enim non justo posuere placerat. Phasellus eget purus vel mauris tincidunt semper suscipit magna, nec imperdiet lacus!
Anna Whitehall
account manager

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Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla at purus lorem, in feugiat massa. Duis vel sapien mauris.


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